AWS ELB redirect http to https except for healthcheck
With some of the recent search engine changes, It's not uncommon to want your site to run completely under https. If you're running on AWS with an Elastic LoadBalancer in place, then you have to go about it a bit differently so you don't end up with a redirect loop....
I work with a large number of clients who host their services within AWS. For that reason I'm constantly having to login to the AWS console to get the IP and key of the server that I want to connect as. In the past I had a small ruby script that I was using to assist...
Replace Apache with Nginx and PHP-FPM on AWS Beanstalk
If you find yourself wanting to use Nginx and PHP-FPM instead of apache for your AWS Beanstalk PHP App, well good for you! This is a sample deployment with all of the .ebextensions to do so without having to make a custom AMI What's accomplished here? We swap out PHP...
Tomcat with an Nginx Proxy using Docker
Bring up containers From this project root directory docker-compose build --no-cache docker-compose up -d Bringing down containers If you've made a change to any of the configurations (docker, nginx, tomcat), then you just need to bring down the containers and then...
Deploying a Docker App to AWS ECR with CircleCi
An example dockerized hapi "Hello World" application that will deploy to amazon ECS using CircleCi whenever the master branch is updated. AWS You'll need to setup Amazon ECR for your docker image, in this sample it's just test-app, a variable within...
Deploying a Docker app to AWS Beanstalk
This is a simple node app (hapi.js) inside a docker container that can be run locally, and also deployed to AWS beanstalk using docker images stored in AWS ECR. Deploying to beanstalk via shell You can deploy this locally fairly simple. You'll need AWS credentials...

Rick Baker
DevOps Engineer